
Yes we are still here... living life to the fullest!

Well I have been a die hard Myspacer until lately... I have decided to move forward on our family blog. I've realized that the people who mean the most to me are on here and not on Myspace... it's hard for me to make the change because I know about everything about Myspace there is to know but I figure the more I play with this the better I'll get and anyway I needed a new challenge!

So we are the Hartman family ... we are so excited about the Holidays. I'm so excited about spending the Holidays in our ALMOST finished house. lol We plan to build a garage next fall if things work out... we also plan on planting a large garden with veggys and flowers this spring. As far as the inside we are working on a couple small projects... well small to me maybe... my husband may have a different opinion. We are customizing our downstairs bath for our very active three little girls... you know the pinks and all!

For those of you that don't know us we are a very close family... we do everything together and enjoy every moment we have together. We have three daughters, Bailey is 11 1/2 and loves design and fashion, Camryn is 8 and loves the outdoors and Scooby Doo, and then theres Parker... what can I say about Parker, she loves life... every aspect of it... she is very full of energy and loves to pick on her sister to the fullest extent of the job! So as for Damon and I we are very in love and have everything we could possibly ask for... each other!

Well thats all I have for now until next time and I promise it won't be another couple years before I extend this blog this time:)

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Hartman Family!